Tuesday 3 June 2014

Eagle1: “The Impending Global Reset” from KTFA 6-2-14

Eagle1 » June 2nd, 2014, 4:09 pm 
Good Afternoon, Family:
First of all, a lot of folks have questioned my absence from the Forum. Because I have not had anything solid that I could hang my hat on, it seemed rather redundant to speculate on a lot of what has been referred to in the various blogs as “hopium.” I’m not interested in “hopium” and I don’t want to spread rumor.
I’ve been caught in the past making assumptions based on incomplete data, and don’t want that to happen again. For that reason, what I share with you today will be somewhat cautious.
Many things are taking place behind the scenes which lead us to the inescapable conclusion that we are actually seeing the unfolding of the Global Currency Reset.
This is a process, folks; it is not a simple push of one button. There are — based on my sources — not less than twelve individuals who are directly involved in the process whose approval is required and is sequential to the final release to the general public.
There has been a considerable amount of testing, glitches, human error and re-testing which has occurred in the months (and even past two years) leading up to our present status. I am not at liberty to share certain facts and events simply because it would jeopardize some of my sources.
Let me back-track for a minute and repeat something which I have shared in the past. We have a two-step process in the works. The first step is what the international banking community is referring to as “a general RV.” This amounts to a first-stage release of all of the major revaluing currencies, among which we all know includes the IQD, the VND, the IDR and a fistful of others which are increasing in value.
What this DOES NOT include are currencies that are dropping significantly in value, such as the USD, the EUR, the GBP and roughly a hundred other currencies.
The second stage is what we refer to as the Global Currency Reset. We call it a reset because it amounts to a restructuring of currencies based on real value, backed by gold and other tangible assets or commodities with real, exchangeable value.
Because there are not less than a hundred currencies that have been over-valued and have continued to print “funny money” (fiat) in order to pay their bills, it has created a global economic crisis which has reached the point of global collapse.
As we have noted — and Frank continues to emphasize — the IQD is the “base currency” for this process. A number of nations whose currencies are expected to increase hold — in some cases — a significant amount of Dinar. Because the Dinar is the only 100% gold-backed currency in the world, it becomes the lynchpin for the “general RV” and the GCR.
There is one other missing element to the Global Reset that I need to address, and that is the fact that the published debt figures you see by the United States and other nations are not true figures. They do not take into account debt which was accumulated during wars of the 1700′s and 1800′s which have been ignored, and for which gold-backed bonds were issued in order to temporarily satisfy the debt-holders. The U.S., for example, has a true debt which exceeds $100 Trillion.
These gold-backed bonds are indeed gold-backed, and if I were to share with you the actual value of these bonds (and the gold that stands behind them) your eyes would spin! Suffice it to say that the GCR has been designed as a means to repatriate these bonds, satisfy debt that goes back well over a century, and put the global economy back on sound financial footing.
Without the actual revaluation of currencies backed in many cases by these bonds, there simply would not be enough money to go around.
Within the past couple of weeks, trillions of dollars of these bonds have been repatriated, funded, and made available to back the Global Reset.
When the actual exchange value of the IQD or the VND (just to name two popular examples) is released, I believe that many folks will be both astonished and pleased.
I will remind you also of a statement that Acting Governor of the CBI, Abdul Basset Turki, made some two years ago when he said (and I’m paraphrasing him), “When the public sees the release of the actual value of the Dinar, they will be shocked!”
Obviously the two most often asked questions are, “What’s the date?” and “What’s the rate?” of the RV? That’s not something I’m going to talk about with any specificity since — while I’ve been given some actual target numbers by the IMF — everything is fluid until the actual release.
The behind-the-scenes numbers for the Dinar, for example, have varied by more than a dollar. Those same numbers for the Dong have varied by as much as 40 cents. With that in mind, it is foolish for me to quote numbers when we haven’t seen the actual release yet, and change is still in the works.
Over this past weekend, we have seen more than a dozen currencies go through some pretty radical changes behind the scenes.

While those changes are not yet reflected on the FOREX sites we see, we believe that these changes portend an imminent public release since they are a part of this overall Global Reset.
I’m not going to give you a hard date for things to be released. What I’m going to say is that we expect to see ongoing changes during the next two weeks — changes that should become public as they occur.

Be encouraged, folks! We really are near the end of this ride!
The last thing I need to say — and I’ve said this before — is that this whole RV/GCR is a God-driven event, and its purpose is to release what some of my prophetic friends refer to as “The Bride’s Revival!” Most folks know it as “The Last Great Harvest” of souls preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If your primary purpose and objective is to satisfy your own needs, wants and desires — never mind what the Lord has in store — you will most likely lose out.

If your number one objective is to see that Jesus Christ receives His inheritance in His people, then prepare to be blessed!
Blessings on you.   Eagle1

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