Friday, 4 April 2014


INTEL: Stage3Alpha

Posted by EXOGEN on April 3, 2014 at 6:53pm 

QUOTE>>MARCH 28, 2014
Today, the Treasury Reserve Note "TRN" (New US Dollar) was effected. This is a historic moment for our humanity, as the funds that were released globally yesterday, and are now live and denominated in the new US dollar. The TRN is on screens.
The Fed Dollar is being exchanged Over The Counter "OTC" in Europe first. That is occuring before the US begins the exchange this coming week. The current ''cash dollar'' will devalue somewhat, but it will not be a high rate and is expected to be at the 3-4% rate only (basis OTC Bank Charges).

The old Fed dollar (Deposit Accounts) is expected to be discounted 45% against the TRN. Being gold-backed, the TRN will actually prevent the economic collapse
predicted by so many as it offsets the devaluation, and keeps the devaluation to a small percentage as above.

All financial events are confirmed for next week inclusive of the Re-Valuation. The formal global announcement of the TRN, the Global Currency Reset, and the Global Reset will occur on April 6, 2014. The news will be carried by CNN and other networks.
The amounts of funds coming out of the system into mainstream economies will ramp up very quickly into the expected hundreds of billions.

MARCH 31, 2014
Since the release by the BIS - Bank of International Settlement on Thursday, March 27th of all funds to governments and organizations, the USA on Friday signed the TRN into effect, and major wire transfers were effected on Saturday. This is continuing on Monday, March 31st, and will continue through this week as the new system is learned.

The funds to our levels are trickling down, and should be available for further dispensation by the Paymasters as early as the first few days of April 2014. Expected funds from the Paymasters will therefore be Wednesday, April 2nd or Thursday, April 3rd at the latest. Funds in destination accounts may be as early as Thursday, or possibly as late as Monday depending on international transfer times.

In Hong Kong, the first wires were approved, and are independent of the RV now. They were able to break, or carve it out from the rest which has to wait for the RV and TRNs to come out. These wires may be in USD as a result, and then get converted before being sent to the end destination accounts.
The April 6th date continues to be the target date for the global public announcement, and the governments are preparing for this event.

The banking system has been allowed one week to learn the new system that is in effect, and to be completely Basel III compliant. All future transactions will have the approval of a Basel III Compliance officer assigned to the transaction.

One very important issue to understand is that we have all heard about all the testing issues and delays. We all thought that the RV was going to happen at any moment, the global reset effected, and the new US dollar circulated, as we did not understand the total plan and scope of all the reforms necessary prior to any currency revaluations, reset processes, and major funds releases.

Most were only focused on the goal of becoming rich and not understanding, or wanting to understand the big picture. However, understanding is here and truth self-evident as we see this historic time unfold before our eyes.

Our advice is to exhibit the epitome of strength: patience. Having the fortitude to stand still is good right now, and just prepare for the work ahead. The project side is of critical importance in this new paradigm, and this focus will shortly dominate our actions.

For Bond Transactions -- all boxes of bond submissions will be processed very quickly now. Both the Chinese and US Treasuries are very eager to process as many as is possible during this pre-reset time window, and prepare as many purchases/redemptions of the bonds. 

The first TTMs have already been scheduled and are being done quietly, with almost every day being booked. This activity will continue until about the middle of April. April 17th marks the day of the second allocations that will be released.

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