Friday, 18 April 2014


INTEL: Mnt Goat    

I...just got off the phone with my IMF contact. Today is early Friday morning and the news could not get any better. Let me first remind you...that the passing of the Iraq 2014 budget is dependent on the IQD currency revaluation announcement and not the other way around. In other words watch for the GCR and you will then see the announcement of passing or the high likelihood of the Iraq budget passing in the near future. The two would coincide nicely. Watch for one and you would see the other.   

Significant Recent Events:  First I have found out the USA and the IMF have reached a mutual decision on how to handle these reforms, in particular the voting rights issues...I have been assured the issue is no longer a problem for the process to move forward. Secondly, another reason for the delay has been the release of the new UST notes to the general public in USA. These notes are now sitting in the USA banks ready to be disseminated. The plan is now to carryout the original plan with minor change and will more forward. Thirdly I have been told today also the Iraq GOI has reached an agreement with the Kurds on the budget.  

So this news today from Iraq is very special since it coincides with what we are now hearing from the IMF on progress made at the meeting this past week in DC. I am now hearing they have a target end date of April 30 to complete the current phase of the global reset process. They can now move forward. The stalemate between the IMF and the USA is over!  We are so close to the final activation of these currency rate changes at the banks I can hardly stand the excitement. I have watched the contact in the IMF now (once again) notify Iraq that these changes were about to be effective and that their currency was about to go international.  The RV train is moving once again.  

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