Friday, 28 March 2014


Short Version
Things are happening in Iraq in the news and in the streets, it's public info, showing how close we are.  Pressure is being applied to get this done now, sooner than later.  Everything is really good, all are on the same page. In D.C. they are saying "This is over".  It could go in the next 30 minutes, 3 hours or 3 days.  Everybody is ready and told to be ready, "Right Now"!  It may not happen in 3 days but they have been instructed it could go any minute.

Long Version


Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  Today is Friday March the 28th, 2014.  Here are an hour hlate because I needed more sleep!  We have a lot of good news, and it’s PaperBoy’s birthday as well as MY birthday.  It’s going to be a little bit different;  there is really good information that I can’t tell you.  We had a great debate over the last week or so, about what I should or shouldn’t say on the call, and how close we are.  I’m going to let DC do the damage today.  It’s really good stuff, and I feel super-superfantastic, and I hope we can all enjoy my birthday.

There are things happening in Iraq – public information that will let you know how close we are.  BUT before I go there, I have to tell you something else about me, because this may

be the last chance I get to talk to you.   The closer we get to this certain day I’m not supposed to talk about, the more likely it is that this is our last call.

THANK YOU to OpenMike. If you've never experienced 800 people tell you Happy Birthday at the same time, from different states…. One lady said “I hope you have a million more”, whew.  I also want to do something for me and Pam, and my family and everyone else.  What is the name of the site, Pam?  BaghdadInvest?  We have some good information, but listen to this first because it’s a bit of what we go through to bring the good stuff to you. This is really over the top and we’ve been laughing at it since yesterday. If I don’t like you, I don't talk to you or listen to you;  I’m certainly not going to pay to listen to you.  I guess they want me to recognize them, give them their 15 minutes of fame. These guys have created a whole site NOT about the dinar, the RV, or anything else but ME.  This psycho went and got pictures all over the internet from 5-6 years ago, clubs I’ve been to, my cigar-club… there are even videos of Tony’s life.  That is what this guy is looking at me every day, like those whackos who have someone’s pictures all over their wall. They have mental problems, and this guy clearly does.  Does this guy really believe that Tony can call the RV whenever he wants to?!  Does he really think I can call the President or the IMF and schedule the RV at 3pm today?  He obviously thinks that Tony has set up this entire RV with 200 countries to con YOU into buying dinar!  We’re just not that good… so we are laughing at it.

He has all these pictures with this lady and says that it’s Pam and she is aiding and abetting this. Pam is not my wife, we have never met or been in the same room… she just tells me what to do, like my wife.  This guy is deranged;  this is the kind of person our government is scared of.  This is the kind of person they don’t want to give this money to.  They don’t know what those idiots will do, and this site is a prime example. This guy really has to be jealous of our position and what we are doing… me, Pam, Ray, and DC.  According to this site, DC is under investigation and they are finding out who he is and what he’s doing.  All you can do it laugh!

He is so jealous (or in love with me) that I want you to go to his site and give him that attention if he needs it that much.  However, my wife says he cannot wear her dresses!  I never told anyone to buy dinar or get into this;  some gal on this site has sold back all her dinar, and she’s still on that site, complaining about Tony and what he told her to do.

When this hits, go to the site and see just what these people are and what they are doing.  Now that they have ruined their lives by selling their dinar and then the RV comes.  I know DC is under investigation, and they need to know he is on the radio!  We were looking at this yesterday, and it is just hysterical.  It’s almost like having a stalker.  This is two guys, but they are acting like little ****es.  This guy actually complains that I’m living too well, because we enjoy life, like smoking a cigar and having a drink.  I’m going to do that again tonight!  The best revenge is to live well, and I do that.  You can do that without a million dollars, or even 100,000…. Just sit down with your friends and enjoy life.  That’s what I do.  Can we all do that today?

Now they have their fame, where are we at today?  DC?  East to west:

DC:  Clearly some people have some serious issues.  In terms of investigation, beyond a certain level they follow everything anyway.   They can just read the transcripts of my phone calls!  I don't give a darn.   I was told by quite a few people today “Don’t mess this up”.  They were adamant about this, both from the intel team and other friends in those circles. So we’ll keep this fairly light.  However things look phenomenally good, sailing smoothly, everyone cooperating and being professional, better than any time in the last three months.

Baghdad and crew:  some provinces are running out of cash.  Some are complaining this has not one through.  Everyone is saying that we cannot wait much longer;  we need to get this done now.  Does this have a political element?  Yes, but M doesn’t run the whole world.  He is the PM, and he is actively pushing for this as well.  Iraq is very positive, good and eager;  they did updates in the Mosques this morning, saying this is going very soon.

Russia/Crimea is unrelated.  That continues to be separated from this deal.

UN Security Council, admin, Congress, IMF and banks are all a GO;  everyone is having really productive meetings, solving issues and managing everything that they have in hand. They are making a big push, and we are very thankful for that.

Tony:  There are newspapers articles, and television broadcasts, and bankers are being physically assaulted.

DC:  This is not for the first time. Bankers have been complaining since August;  they have been assaulted because of the frustration of the public and gangs.  This is just what we should NOT do when this comes out;  they are bankers, not the decision makers.  People are so frustrated and mad about this five-tier system.  The banks have to bring in extra security because of this.  A banker has been killed by a mob because of frustration about the dinar being completed.  This was published in the news and on video.  This is very sad and serious, but many people are so frustrated so these stupid things are occurring in Iraq.  It’s their country, and they are having a much harder time than many of us.

Tony:  So other banks refused to open, and they were instructed or advised…

DC:  They are not opening up until the RV, and some are just refusing to get in the extra security.  They don’t feel safe and they are locking their bank doors until this is completed.

Tony:  This is the kind of pressure being applied right now to get this out, sooner rather than later.  What can we say?  Everything is really good, everyone is on the same page, and it could go in the next 30 minutes, the next three hours, or the next three days.

DC:  It truly is that tight where they really can pull it on that short time line.  In the past they (the bankers or powers above) could have turned it on and off, but now you are going to get 30 minutes maximum to get this moving.  It really is on a minute-by-minute basis when the bosses say Go.  It’s lined up to go through;  everyone is so prepared and so ready that they can execute it on that tight a timeframe.

Tony:  They are all ready right now;  it may not happen for three days, but they are being told to stay ready.  No phone calls, please!

We are really seeing everybody saying that everything is done, and they will just surprise everyone with the actual time.  So let’s talk to some people, how about that?

DC: Trying to get me in trouble?

484 caller:  How are you, Tony?

Tony:  It’s my birthday, and I want to share it with everybody!  I’m superfantastic!

Caller:  Iraq purchased 1.56 billion in gold this week, is that correct?  Why didn’t the price of the dinar fluctuate?

DC: It’s a fixed price, tagged to the US dollar and managed by the CBI.  For exporting reasons, they are saying they will do whatever they have to do to maintain X difference to the US dollar.  The yuan used to be tagged to the dollar, but isn’t any more.  Iraq has reserve assets to keep it tagged.  Iraq bought they gold to diversify their reserve base and make it more inflation-resistant.

Tony:   Will that affect the rate when it comes out?

DC:  Yes, it will adjust it slightly, so that it is more stable.

Caller:  With the exchange rate fixed, is this a good sign that they bought all that gold, that they could afford to do that?

DC:  It’s an indicator of very intelligent management in difficult times.  They have done a great job keeping that rate level giving the pressures from all sides:  security, political and all the rest.

Caller:  Two weeks ago, you were both saying something would happen before that Saturday.  Was this gold purchase something that had to occur before then?

DC:  We knew they were actively diversifying their portfolio;  all central banks do that to be as stable as they can be.  Did it hold this up?  No.  The reason we didn't see it last week is because of an issue that has now been dealt with.

Caller: If this happens at 3am EST, will we get a tweet from you?

Tony:  What I’ve been told is that we will get an 800 number and instruction package.  I’m not the only one getting it.  I will try to read it first so I know what I’m talking about.  I’ll send the number out for those who want it right away.  I’ll get it posted on the site, if possible, then schedule a call so we can talk about it.  I would love for it to be after 9pm so that we can talk about it before the banks open.  Some will run to the bank right away;  that would give us a better time to talk about ti and discuss the options. I could do that because I wouldn’t have to sign the NDA until the bank opens.  Other than that kind of time, I’ll still send it out to you;  I’ll still try to set up a call before I go to the bank.  DC says I’m going to lose my mind like everyone else.  We’ll see!

313 caller:  Happy Birthday <song>  I’ve been waiting on that since LAST year.  My birthday is on the 30th, and Txgirl said her birthday is tomorrow, and she wants to share the RV.

Caller:  You cracked me up about the website.  Some people need to get a life!

Tony:  That is this guy’s whole world, and it’s about my life!  This is how people with mental disorders act, but I cannot help but laugh.  It’s sad, but this guy took all this time out of his own life, and went back four or five years, before I even got involved with dinar… he is one sick puppy.

Caller:  With the 800 numbers, you are boing to …

Tony:  I will tweet it, put it on all the site, give it out on the calls, and give you all I can as fast as I can.

Caller:  I hope all our dinarian family is around to enjoy this.  I lost my ex-wife this last week.  I hope we’re all here to enjoy the 800 numbers.

Tony:  A Lot of people didn’t make it through here to see what we are about to see, but for those who are here, it will be such a blessing.  Someone sent me an email after the last call, saying that this is not a blessing for us.  I said, “What?”  The person said, this is payoff for what we’ve gong through and all the work.  Nobody paid us for this, but this is still a blessing that we could participate.  We were never in the plan at this level.  They never wanted the idiots to have this much money, and some have already shown themselves to be rich dummies.  For those who are still here, it is still a blessing.  I’m sorry that you have had a sad time this week.

Caller:  You might want to stretch that birthday out a bit.

Tony:  I hope we get it today, by midnight, so that it’s still my birthday!

Caller:  We might have to turn it over to April Fool’s Day.  Have a good one.  God bless all the mods, your family, we really appreciate you and your family.

763 caller:  Happy Birthday, Tony!  Now that this has come to the end, we should give a big bib with a crow on it to all the other gurus…

Tony:  We won’t take it that far.  In the end, we’ll know who knew what they were talking about and who didn’t.  Their time will be over and they’ll be exposed for what they didn’t know.  Many are having investment plans after the RV and want people to follow them, but they will be exposed for who and what they are…  The best revenge is living well.

Caller:  I hear there will be a new television show called RV Rumor Wars.  We should bring that rap song back.

Tony:  They listened to that on OpenMike;  that’s his deal.

I had that thick cut bacon for breakfast this morning, just so you know.

DC:  JC made me bacon this morning, and I appreciate that.

903 caller:  How old are you, Tony?

Tony:  I’m 55.

Caller:  I’m not on the forum, and I want to make sure the 800 numbers will come through twitter.

Tony:  I will put them out on Twitter, on the blast, on the TNTsuperfantastic sites.  We will put all the information we can on all five sites.  There will be a call as well, and we will record it in case everyone doesn’t get in. Our highest call so far has reached 80,000, and this may surpass that.

Caller:  Please can you hold on to my phone number so you can contact me specifically?

Tony:  I don’t know what the NDA will say, what I can and cannot do, and I understand their position.  On the hand, it may work out.  My biggest thing is to eliminate the idiots that we see on other sites.  It amazes me that people can be so ignorant when we go to these other sites, and all they can talk about is Tony.  How many times do you have to bump your head against the wall before stopping because it hurts?  They hate all our information, but they are on every call and post that information on their sites.  They want to know what to do when they go to the bank, their future investments and everything I’m talking about, but then they say our intel isn’t real.  We don't want our next group to have those people in it.

Caller:  Yes, those people are what forced you into a closed forum, so people like me have not been able to get on the forum.  Can the rest of us come to Vegas?

Tony:  A lot of new people have joined since we started, so that opportunity will be reposted.  We want TNT people to meet each other.  I’ve never met Pam yet!  She met Ray, but seems to have survived that.

I’ve got a deal with WF, and they will go to each of the events I’m doing in NC, Sacramento, and Las Vegas, and they will do a Wealth Management Class at each event.  This will be similar to what sport people get to learn about investments, and how to connect with the people you will need to buy and run new cars, houses, businesses, etc.  I like that they are doing that, for free, for our benefit at all four events.  One guy put that together for us, I don't want to say his name because I don’t want anyone to go through the same psycho-stuff I have, but I want to thank him publicly so you know that he did that and we appreciate it.  And it will be free!

404 caller:  I have one small point that may help. I saw the Iraqi bonds are scheduled to go on sale 1. April at $3.71.

Tony:  They told me not to talk about 1. April, so you’ll have to ask DC.

DC: The schedule is the same, sir.

352 caller:  [asking for reassurance]

Tony: That idiot on his site probably owns dinar.  He’s just giving me two too much credit.  We’re just not that good!  I don’t think it would be possible to pull off that good a con job.  DC?

DC:  We are just not that good at all, no one in the US could do it!

Tony:  If the CIA and the intelligence community is not that good, how could I do it on my own?

Caller:  This would be a spooky event to face all on your own.  We appreciate all that we have learned from you.

636:  I read an article the other day that the Ukraine Bill and the IMF reforms;   it has passed the Congress but they took out the IMF reform portion.  That does have any effect on the RV?

Tony:  That’s right, but it doesn’t affect the RV.

DC:  Tony’s right, the IMF vote is immaterial. We are beyond the point where the IMF board has to vote on this.  They did that a long time ago.  In the past negotiations, they wanted to give up the default veto power, and the US has not been willing to do that.

Tony:  Your mind should be at ease at this moment.  All this nonsense you’ve been hearing is just that. Be at ease;  this is OVER.

DC:  That’s right.

Tony:  I would be very relaxed if I were you.  Enjoy the day.  This is coming.

DC:  What has changed here lately in terms of how they are addressing it?  They have brought everyone into an almost-continuous meeting about what is gong on.  They don’t have a veto power, but they can see what everyone is doing.  As issues come up, they make them go away, or resolve the legitimate issues.  Many of the past issues are being dissolved, and the new management style si keeping it calm and cool. A lot of people are just as tired as we are, and they just want to go on vacation.

Tony:  You should be stress-free at this moment.  We are there.  Let’s go to 252;  I like you already because you’re from North Carolina.  I don’t even know you, but I like you.

252 caller:  I’m from Marsh NC.  We’ve heard so many things about the international rates, and then the taxes… ?

Tony:  I hope you were talking to DC because I’m reading texts that Pam is sending to me.

DC:  Me, too.  Please ask your question again.

Caller:  Regarding the long-term and short-term capital gains, you said that if you take the international rate, is that going to be non-taxable, regardless of short- or long-term capital gains?

DC:  We don’t know for sure until they get it done.  Specific cash-ins have specific treaties or IRS codes and therefore different windows.  Not every exchange will be that definitive, and we will not know until they figure it out… and then they will have to go through the procedures or laws passed before that applies.  It depends on how the lawyers put it together and the IRS will get a ruling.  So be conservative when it comes to taxes.  I’m going to keep 50% to one side until I get a definitive document from the IRS saying how much I’m paying.

Caller:  On the gifting, you have to do it right to avoid taxation.  If you are selling dinar or dong, what’s the tax position on that?

Tony:  You don’t have to worry about that being a taxable event because that is already a felony.  You are not authorized to sell currency.  People are already locked up for selling dinar to someone they’re not supposed to. You have to be a currency dealer following the Secret Service and UST regulations.

Caller:  Please be considerate and allow others to get on the call.

Tony:  That’s how people from North Carolina act, with good manners unlike those people from Texas… <laughter because DC is from Texas>

I’m supposed to cut this short today… 302?

Caller:  Happy Birthday!  Thank you, your team and associates;  without you we wouldn’t know what is going on.

Tony:  I want to say that to Pam, Ray and DC, and a host of other people on the intel side, and I would love to tell you their names but I don't’ want them to go through the same things I go through.  They have got to be the best intel team on the Internet.  We have done this so well that other agencies are now asking US for information.  When other countries contacting you and trading intel, and when you’re hearing things within 30 minutes of a meeting, or DC tells you stuff I haven’t heard yet… no one else is giving you that level of information.  They work hard to do that and they deserve all the thanks and appreciation from me and from you. They are up at 3 or 4am, receiving information from countries that are just getting up, so that we can have it for the morning call.  This is going on round the clock, up until the time we were supposed to have the call.  After every call, we do another call because we get updated information during the call. It continues throughout the day;  these guys work hard putting this together, and it’s for you guys. We don’t have to have a call, we could just use this information for ourselves, but everyone made the same commitment to support and educate you.  I have given everything I can give you, including telling you what to read.  What I think is great is when the Washington people came on board and started backing us up – we really appreciated that.  They are not getting paid, and they don't work for a dinar company;  they just thought it was the right thing to do.

So Pam, DC, Ray, and all the others whose names I don’t mention – thank you to all you guys.

719 caller:  happy Birthday!  I can’t believe you made it to 55!  And now your age matches your IQ!  I’m from Texas, DC, so what can I tell.  I want to tell some 404 and 352:  you ask questions that are okay, but stop jumping on the call.  Give others a chance to ask a question!  I was going to be on from 10.30 my time (MST), I stayed on, and this tells you where I fell compared to them.

Someone on another site said that his info says 15. April.  His contacts are in the Treasury.  Tell me I don’t have to have an heart attack waiting until then.

DC:  The UST doesn’t know the exact timing either.  They’ve been given windows and timelines, but they are not in control.  The number of dinars out there… that’s way wrong, too.  Was that Pam?  [Pam:  It wasn’t me!]  That tells you that they need to do more homework.  There’s only 27 trillion printed, and they were taken off somewhere in the upper 90s, and most are in the US.

Tony:  Talking about Iraq earlier, they have money on their smart cards, but there is no actual cash on the streets until they re-issue the lower denominations.

DC:  When they first started doing the revaluation and they had those riots, they pulled victory out of defeat and got the currency moving again.  They started changing the rates on the cards, and paid people their salaries that way.  Some were on 1166 rate and some with the revalued rate.  As they continued to evolve and get more out there, they had some issues come up. Some regions have almost no currency, when most merchants are cash merchants.  So they have started to issue some lower denominations to those areas that need those bills.  Otherwise, they have been burning the currency.  So some areas have two different rates, and then some got bumped to 3.71, and as you travel around the country you will get different rates and lower currency bills.  So you can see the level of frustration that they are taking out on the bankers now, because there are different levels of currency and rates in different parts of the country.  They then decided to issue the lower denominations everywhere so that people can get change.

Caller:  I read some people were really upset, and that is to our advantage like it was before, right?

DC:  it’s better if everyone stays calm.

Caller:  So DC, you are not driving that bus like that again, okay? I ‘m praying the stalkers don’t get Tony, and that we have our RV right away so we can get on with our lives.  I notice that DC did not say “douchebag”, unlike some.  Have a great birthday and we hope to see you in Vegas!

Tony:  Maybe they just have daddy issues over there…

DC:  It’s a basic rule: don’t poke a rattlesnake with a stick, because you’ll get bit for no reason.

Tony:  504, and lets make this the last caller, because I was only supposed to have an hour call.

Caller:  I’m going to pick on DC today.  With the reserves, what do you recommend if you cannot use the currency you have on hand in order to pay off the reserves?

DC:  There are several options.  That particular rule has gone on and off a couple of times, so nobody knows if that will be in force or not.  If they do, then it’s super-easy.  If they do not, then there are several things you can do.  Most dealers will offer market rate, so you can put in a sell order for just enough to pay off your reserves, and then go to the 800 numbers.  Most people would like to get a little spending money up front, so maybe you can go in with one note and cash it in at the market rate and pay off your reserves and get the bulk of your dinar/dong at the contract rates.

Caller:  Are the street rate and international rate the same?

DC:  I better not say anything about rates at all, in case we aren’t supposed to.

Tony:  I could talk about this, but I clearly heard this caller asking DC.  WE are not supposed to talk about the timing, the date or the rate.  There was an adjustment when the gold was delivered.  They don't want people to be frustrated with any further adjustments.  We will definitely talk about the plan the process before we go to the bank, and also what to look for in the first 30 days.

Caller: What is that website you mentioned that offers companies for sale?

Tony:  If you send it in to tntdinarhelp, I’ll try to put it in the chat room/forum.  They do send me all the businesses and clean shell that have already been on the books for two years.  You can slip your company into that and go public in 60 days.  You can also buy banks and IPOs, plus I have a bank broker if you’re interested in that.

DC, I have one last question for you:  How can we have an RV is Sterling is still selling dinar?

DC:  You cannot. They will be notified before the public international revaluation, and they will sell right up to that time.

Tony:  I’m going to have a bacon cheeseburger.

DC:  I pray that this is the last time I talk to you, and I’d just like to say a few key points as this goes forward.

1.  The eagle is in flight.

2.  This money is yours, not the banks or some wealth managers – it’s your baby, and you have to pay attention to it or it will get out of line.  There are wonderful wealth managers, but It’s not their money, it’s your money.

3. Invest according to your personality, risky, conservative or mixed.  I like having a nest egg and then take some risk.  Just know yourself and act accordingly.

4.  Money doesn't make you a better person, it just makes you rich.  You also need to expand your health, spirituality, relationships and family.   Get on that treadmill as well as going to the bank! Devote as much time to them as you did to listening to these calls. If you are not well-balanced, one thing will drag everything else down.

5.  You cannot spend money too slowly.   You cannot go broke NOT spending money.  Understand the tax situation before you go spending a lot on cars and houses.

6.  Be respectful to the bankers, because most of them didn’t know about this.  They have missed the boat, and they are probably miffed that some guy on the street just became a multi-millionaire.  Their frustration levels will be high.

7.  Just enjoy life!

Pam:  I agree with DC.  We do all this for you, the members.  All the mods, the intel team, we have all put up with a lot and it’s all for you guys, so make us proud.

Ray:  I don't have an exit speech.  It was good;  enjoy life, have fun.

Tony:  We hope this is the last call of this type, although we will have one more different call.  If you haven’t read the books we recommended, at least order them because you will want that information in the future.  Get Creature from Jekyll Island and Confessions of an Economic Hitman will inform you about the work of banking, and Millionaire Mindset and The Millionaire Next Door will help you understand the people around you.  People will look at you differently as soon as you display some of that wealth.  They will expect different things from you, and they are going to think you are smarter than the average bear.  Money doesn’t make you smarter;  you make you smart.  The banks said that “these people will have more money than they have teeth in their mouth.”  Some complete idiots will have money, and they will be broke two years after this happens.  Don’t be among them!  I have friends who say they will not touch the money for six months.  By all means, pay your bills and make life comfortable while you plan for your future.

There is another wave coming, and they don’t want you involved.  They will hide it and block you any way they can.  They cannot make it illegal because all these currencies are legal;  they can hide it from all but the most intelligent.  Look who you spend the most time with, those five people, and change those people for those who already have successful businesses and/or financial intelligence. You have to expand your world and your vision in order to take advantage of what you are given.

The BIG call could well be the next call.  With that, enjoy your day.  Enjoy my birthday so we can call it OUR birthday from now on. This would be a great day for this to happen!

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