Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How Deep has Russia Gone?

Kill Them Russians...
Kill Them Russians…
After the last few weeks and the revelations that have popped to the surface, such as Victoria Nuland’s famous F-bomb and yesterdays death to all Russians by Yulia Tymoshenko…
A sample of what she said is this: “This is really beyond all boundaries. It’s about time we grab our guns and kill go kill those damn Russians together with their leader,”Tymoshenko said…
By the way she admits (just like Nuland admits,) that she said this. She tries to cover up that she meant Ukraine Russians and not Russians in Russia. Now that makes a difference to me! (LOL) Point Fact, she is just like Hillary the “We came. we saw and he died,” joking bitch…
Yulia expressed, “grab a machine gun and shoot that m*********er in the head.” (She means Putin, by the way…)
She also expressed, “I hope I will be able to get all my connections involved. And I will use all of my means to make the entire world raise up, so that there wouldn’t be even a scorched field left in Russia,” (Do we mean to nuke?)
She also tweeted, “The conversation took place, but the ’8 million Russians in Ukraine’ piece is an edit. In fact, I said Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians. Hello FSB :) Sorry for the obscene language.” (Now that makes a big difference and she means to kill 8 million Ukrainians who speak Russia, I guess! She admits that she is in the conversation and that answers that…)
These interesting tidbits plus a few more have raised the question in my head, “How deep has Russia infiltrated the west and their conversations?”
From what I am seeing, it looks like nothing has been able to escape the Russians and their espionage on phone conversations and we should look forward to some more ladies (and gentlemen) and their desires to kill, cuss and destroy the Russians and or the world at large…
I knew that Russia like all countries likes to spy around, but you never know how deep they are and how weak the opposing countries abilities to hide their data. Russia has shown me that I was not thinking deep enough and I was not thinking expertise enough. I chalk that up to my background in America and realize that one more thing that I have thought, is gone to the wayside…
How many more tidbits will we see and or hear? How deep are they into Americas data? Why does the west lie and support this charade?

Simple statement: Immorality they name is west and the west has no morals left to scrutinize…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…
Tidbit of information: It looks like the U.S. has installed nukes in Ukraine? Or they are trying to! Now that is hypocrisy at its finest…

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